Advanced Chemical Analytics
Powerful tools for molecular analysis, visualization, and data processing
Cheminformatics Tools
Spectroscopy File Converter
Convert spectral data formats
Transform spectroscopy files (.spc, .jdx) to analysis-ready formats like CSV and Excel for seamless integration with your workflow.
OpenSMILES To Structure Converter
Visualize molecular structures
Transform SMILES notation into interactive 2D/3D molecular visualizations with detailed structural information and export capabilities.
OpenMolar Mass Calculator
Calculate compound masses
Quickly determine molar mass from chemical formulas with detailed elemental composition and isotopic distribution analysis.
OpenNMR Spectrum Predictor
Predict NMR spectra
Predict 1H and 13C NMR spectra from chemical structures using SMILES notation with detailed peak assignments and visualization.
OpenPressure Unit Converter
Transform pressure measurements
Convert between Pascal, bar, atm, mmHg, PSI and other pressure units with high precision for laboratory and industrial applications.
OpenStoichiometry Calculator
Calculate chemical reactions
Calculate acid-base neutralizations, limiting reagents, reaction yields, and solution concentrations with this comprehensive stoichiometry calculator.
OpenVapor Pressure Calculator
Analyze vapor pressure relationships
Examine pressure-temperature relationships for chemicals with interactive nomographs and exportable data for your research needs.
OpenFeatured Molecules
Discover interesting chemical compounds making headlines